Mastering Her Cycle Early: The Ultimate Performance Hack for Girls in Sports

Mastering Her Cycle Early: The Ultimate Performance Hack for Girls in Sports

Cracking the code of your cycle from the get-go isn't just smart; it's your hidden ace to nailing it in sports for life.

Imagine tapping into your body’s signals, those quiet (and, yeah, sometimes loud) nudges that tell you how to up your game day after day. This isn’t your average health class lesson—it’s your personal cheat sheet for turning every sprint, shot, routine or lap into an epic win, by playing in sync with your body’s rhythm. It's about transforming what might seem like a monthly setback into your secret stash of power, setting you up not just for the win, but for dominating the game, every single day.

Welcome to your lifelong game plan where the goal is to not only play but to outright slay in sports, starting right from girlhood.


Keep girls in the game 

According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, by the age of 14, girls are dropping out of sports at nearly twice the rate of boys. And by age 17, after most girls have gone through puberty, more than half of girls will stop doing sport altogether.

Studies into the effects of puberty on girls in relation to sport indicate that a young girl’s confidence dramatically drops with 89 per cent of girls aged 16 to 24, admitting they feel pressure to conform to the way a girl is ‘supposed to feel and act’.  

girls sport period

As young girls develop and go through puberty, they’ll face challenges, both mentally and physically. But getting her period shouldn’t be one of them.

With a little understanding about the impact her cycle has on her mood and performance, our hope is that girls will feel informed enough to tackle the peaks and troughs with gusto. We want to see changes where girls communicate their challenges with their parents, coaches and team mates too, so they can work with their cycle instead of throwing in the towel completely. 

The Impact 

In years gone by, girls playing sports have had to merely endure their monthly cycle in uncomfortable silence but those days are fortunately fading into the past (where we believe they belong!)

The menstrual cycle does absolutely have an impact on sporting performance and endurance – more than half of elite athletes highlight that their menstrual cycle can impact their capacity to exercise, training and performance levels. And, while most females experience a variety of physical symptoms during their cycle, including headaches, tiredness, tenderness and cramping, there are also times during her cycle where she'll likely be able to perform at her peak.

Her Cycle's Power Phase

During the early follicular phase (which begins on the first day of your period and lasts until ovulation), women and girls often experience a surge in energy and strength. This is partly due to lower levels of progesterone and oestrogen. This 'Power Phase' is an ideal time to focus on high-intensity workouts or push towards new personal bests.

On the flip side, data suggests that muscle and tendon injuries like muscle rupture, tear, strain, cramps and tendon injuries/ ruptures may occur approximately twice as often in the late follicular phase. 

According to research scientist Georgie Bruinvels from University College London, this is when oestrogen levels peak, which can cause her tendons and ligaments to become lax and elastic. 


In the simplest terms, you can divide the menstrual cycle into two halves: the follicular phase, which begins on the first day of menstruation; and the luteal phase, which begins with ovulation. Oestrogen is lowest at the beginning of the follicular phase, then rises to its highest peak shortly before ovulation. Then it drops sharply, and rises again to a gentler peak during the luteal phase.

Understanding the body's rhythms isn't just about adjusting to its limitations—it's about celebrating and making the most of its strengths. Empowering her with this knowledge means she's not just working smarter; she's also fostering a deeper connection with her body.


tween girl menstruation
But the effects of her period can be even more severe, leading to potential injuries. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between menstruation and an increased risk of anterior cruciate ligament injuries (knee damage), which isn't hard to believe given how common these injuries are among female professional athletes

According to research scientist Georgie Bruinvels from University College London, the first half of the cycle is when oestrogen peaks which can cause female tendons and ligaments to become lax and elastic. Being aware of what is happening in the body during this time and why, means a competitor can take more time warming up; she can avoid skills that place her joints at risk and she has a heads up to use strapping or other supports. 

Further research conducted by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, expands on a concept called the ‘female athlete triad’, which describes the link between menstrual function, energy availability and bone health.

Female athletes training at a high and frequent intensity need to ensure they have the right amount of nutrition to fuel their bodies – low oestrogen levels combined with poor nutrition can affect energy and calcium levels and in turn, cause loss of bone density. This condition can lead to the weakening of bones, stress fractures, other sporting-related injuries and osteoporosis later in life.

Early detection of those that may be at risk is essential, and it can be managed through dietary changes and general awareness of symptoms. 

Go with the flow, not against it

Bruinvels’ research indicates that a woman's body uses carbohydrates more efficiently during the first half of her cycle; whilst the second half utilises fats more effectively – “there’s a body of research emerging that highlights that strength training is more advantageous in the first half of the menstrual cycle”, as the body adapts and recovers better with carbohydrates as its main source of fuel.

Tracking your menstrual cycle with apps like FitrWoman (developed by Bruinvels), and Flo Period can help you better understand your body and tailor your diet and training to work accordingly. 

For example, in the lead up to the 2019 Women’s World Cup in France, the US national team undertook detailed surveys about their cycle and associated symptoms.

Led by US team fitness coach Dawn Scott, and in conjunction with Georgie Bruinvels, the players and coaching staff monitored when each player had symptoms at different phases of the cycle. In doing this, Bruinvels and Scott were able to develop a comprehensive understanding of each players cycle, and create appropriate strategies to minimise the impact on their performance. This included adjustments to their diets, investigating sleeping habits, the increase and decrease of training as well as other lifestyle factors.

Dawn Scott said of the research, “we want to end the taboo… at the elite level, but also for teenage girls. They should feel comfortable talking about this with their coaches”. It’s all about increasing awareness, normalising the conversation as well as improving the education around menstruation.

Step towards ending the taboo

We’re committed to nurturing our community of active and athletic young women, and creating a safe and understanding environment for them to grow and we know you are too! We hope this info ignites your interest so you can kick off a conversation with your daughter, educate her, and normalise the topic of menstruation.
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