With school, sport, a thriving social life, and navigating the ups and downs of growing up, she may feel like she's got 99 problems - but with Eltee Sydney, her period ain't one.

Buh-Bye Period Fear 👋

Teen & Tween Everyday Period Undies

We get it, nothing strikes fear into the heart of a girl than the possibility of leaks.

That's why we invented 'Bumpers', an extra built-in leakage barrier that sits guard at all four sides of the leak-proof lining. It's an extra insurance policy that helps her move through the world feeling secure, confident, and totally protected.

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Why Do Girls Drop Out of Sport?

Puberty, specifically menstruation, has an enormous impact on girls' participation in sports - but even we were shocked by what our survey participants told us.

Our results revealed that an alarming 63.9% of tween and teen girls have quit or avoided sport or physical activity due to their period.